Category : | Financial |
Phone | 800-446-8848 |
Address | 2700 Coast Ave., Mountain View, CA 94043 |
Calling Hours | 24/7 365 |
Website | |
When you need help with your account with Paycheck Records, now under Intuit Inc., you can find the company number and plenty of other contact avenues right here. When you get connected with them, they can help you reset your password, view your paycheck, fulfill a records request, resolve issues with payroll, update your software, and much more. When you have a problem, a quick call can get you back to your day and keep you from wasting your time.
The most direct way to get help from a live service agent is through their customer service line. This way, you can explain the issue you are facing and receive immediate feedback from the representative who has fielded your call. They can help you to enroll a new employee in the Paycheck Records service, update your account information, figure out an online payment, reset your password, manage employees’ accounts, connect the service with your QuickBooks account, or even help you update your payroll.
Paycheck Records Customer Service Number: 1-800-446-8848
If you prefer not to speak on the phone, then live chat can be another great way for you to get the help you need. Your message can be sent off, and the agent who receives it will have ample time to look at your issues and ensure that you are getting the very best responses. They can help you set up your payroll, transfer information from QuickBooks, connect Paycheck Records with other Intuit products, update your software, and manage the users who are connected to your account number.
Paycheck Records Live Chat:
When you have an issue that is not time-sensitive, it may be more convenient for you to send your inquiry or complaint by mail. This method is especially helpful if you need to update your information, pay for your software or subscription, or perform another task that is not very pressing.
Paycheck Records Mailing Address:
Intuit Inc.
2700 Coast Ave,
Mountain View, CA 94043
When you visit their website, you can view the numerous articles and frequently asked questions that their representatives have gathered in their resource center. You are sure to find information on any of the problems that you may be facing. Whether you need help managing your payroll on the business end or updating your account and software on the technical end, you are sure to find some help on their website.
Paycheck Records Customer Support Site:
Another great way to get help from both service agents and other customers is through social media. This is a good avenue for connecting and seeing the questions and answers that have already been posted.
Paycheck Records is a software tool owned by Intuit. They specialize in helping you with payroll processing and record keeping. Whenever you use Paycheck Records, all of your employees can view and keep track of their pay stubs. This is helpful and simplifies taxes for you and them at the end of the year. When you need help, simply contact one of their service representatives.