Category : | Financial |
Phone | 248-362-4444 |
Address | 999 West Big Beaver Road, Troy, Michigan (USA) 480 |
Calling Hours | 24/7 365 | | |
Website | |
Kelly Services is an employment agency that provides workforce solutions for companies and is a valuable resource for finding a job! Kelly Services eases the strain on human resource departments by connecting job seekers with job opportunities. They offer exemplary customer service! They provide customer service numbers, email, contact forms, and social media platforms for those who need to reach out with questions, concerns, or comments regarding Kelly Services. The company is based in the United States but is a global leader in workforce solutions with offices worldwide. They offer customer service for those already using the staffing agency and information and assistance to those looking to apply to the agency.
Kelly Services is headquartered in Troy, Michigan, in the United States. However, they have two other headquarters in other regions of the globe. Three customer service numbers are available to contact Kelly Staffing Agency with questions about your application, human resource needs, a new job opportunity, or work placement. These numbers are an essential resource for any Kelly employee and individuals seeking to work with an affirmative action employer who will provide an equal employment opportunity.
US Kelly Service Headquarters Office: 1-248-362-4444
Asia-Pacific Kelly Service Headquarters: 65-6603-8018
Europe, Middle East, African Kelly Service Headquarters: 4132-737-18-00
To reach Kelly Services through email regarding general inquiries (not resume submissions), you can email them at their United States headquarters at
Kelly Services can also be reached via email at their other two global headquarters locations. They also only accept general inquiries and do not accept resume submissions through these email accounts. These emails may be found below:
Kelly Headquarters Asia-Pacific:
Europe, Middle East, Africa Kelly Services:
Rather than emailing them directly, you can also fill out a request to contact form with your name, information, and details regarding your customer service needs. This is for United States customers only. The form is only for questions and comments and should not be used for inquiries about job applications, etc. This form can be found here:
Because Kelly Services is International, there are a few different mailing addresses to contact them via traditional mail. Check out the mailing addresses below for the United States, Asia-Pacific, Europe, Middle East, and Africa.
Kelly World Headquarters for US:
999 West Big Beaver Road,
Michigan (USA) 48084-4782
Kelly Headquarters for APAC (Asia-Pacific):
6 Battery Road
#38-01 Singapore 049909
Kelly Headquarters for EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa):
20, Avenue Edouard-Dubois – CP
48 CH – 2006 Neuchâtel Switzerland
Unfortunately, Kelly Services does not have a customer service live chat button on their website. However, you can fill out a form to request to be contacted and message them on Facebook and Twitter for faster responses.
Kelly Services primary customer support information can be found on their website here:
This page is designed to help customers in the United States and globally. There is a United States contact page to request to be contacted and information for international media contacts, investor relations, and IT support. This webpage also lists the main Kelly Services headquarters in the United States and the two additional headquarters worldwide. All three headquarters’ mailing addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers are also listed.
Kelly Services uses its social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube, to reach people and explain the services that Kelly Services offers. Some people may not realize the possibilities that come from a staffing company looking for a new direction or searching for the right company to work with. LinkedIn is an excellent resource for Kelly Services because it helps expand job services and share articles on the workforce. Their YouTube page posts videos about the hiring process, the types of jobs offered in each industry, and tips on the workforce.
Kelly Services Facebook:
Kelly Services Twitter:
Kelly Services LinkedIn:
Kelly Services Instagram:
Kelly Services TikTok:
Kelly Services YouTube:
Kelly Services is an American company that operates globally in the office staffing and workforce solutions industry. It is one of the world’s largest staffing firms. It is headquartered in Troy, Michigan. It was founded in 1946 by William Russell Kelly to provide services at the Kelly offices rather than staffing at other locations. Customers began to request work at their office locations, which created temporary work positions. The company places employees in various positions in many different types of offices. These include IT, financial services, human resources, marketing, education, engineering, and science. These positions range from part-time, full-time, temporary to hire, and temporary.