Category : | Utility |
Phone | 877-726-4368 |
Address | P.O. Box 791087, Baltimore, MD 21279-1087 |
Calling Hours | 24/7 365 | | |
Website | |
If you’re looking for the PSI customer service number, you’ll be surprised to know that PSI changed its name to Cogent Communications. Cogent Communications is an internet service provider made to keep your internet prices low while giving you one of the fastest internet speeds and high-quality internet in the world. If you’re looking for a better way to get internet, call their customer service number and see what they can do for you today.
Cogent Communications has diverse groups of superior customer service representatives in different parts of the world, so if you’re looking for help with your internet connectivity, then these people are the ones to call.
PSI Customer Service Number: 1-877-726-4368
If you need to make a payment to Cogent Communications for their internet services, you can do so using this address. If you need any other requests, such as business options for internet connection, then contact them using their corporate headquarters address. Here is their mailing address:
PSI Mailing Address:
Cogent Communications
P.O. Box 791087
Baltimore, MD 21279-1087
If you need any technical support at all when it comes to managing your internet connection, then contact a representative using their email address. Within 24 to 48 hours, their service team will help you resolve any issues you have with their services.
PSI Email Address:
For insights into your internet bill or details about bandwidth utilization, Cogent Communications’ customer support page is your go-to resource. This platform offers global contact information, a comprehensive FAQ section, and access to the eCogent portal. Through eCogent, customers can monitor network status, manage billing, submit support desk tickets, and utilize additional resources. Locate the customer service number for your region to speak with a representative today.
PSI Customer Support Site: Cogent Communications Support Desk
Cogent Communications keeps you informed through its newsroom, featuring the latest corporate announcements, partnerships, media coverage, and information on upcoming events and conferences. Regular updates ensure you’re always in the loop on how Cogent’s services are evolving.
PSI News and Updates: Cogent Communications Press Releases
Even though Cogent Communications doesn’t have a mobile app to operate from for their internet customers, you can still log into your account through their customer page and access your account information there. If any issues do occur, you can always rely on their customer service number, email address, or mailing address for help.
While Cogent Communications doesn’t have a live chat feature, you can still contact Cogent through their customer service number, email address, or mailing address.
Cogent Communications encourages customers who have benefited from their competitive internet pricing to connect on social media. Share their profiles with friends or family seeking a more affordable internet service and stay updated on company news.
Individuals and businesses requiring assistance with:
Reaching out to Cogent Communications is crucial for:
Cogent Communications, formerly PSInet Inc., ranks among the world’s leading internet providers. Serving over 199 markets in more than 40 countries including Hong Kong, the United Kingdom, and countries in North America, Cogent stands out for its competitive pricing, straightforward network architecture, and commitment to high-quality internet service. With over 2,500 service locations, Cogent caters to a broad range of customers, from small and medium businesses to content providers and large enterprises.