Category : | Travel & Lodging |
Address | 285 West Broadway, New York, New York 10013 |
Calling Hours | 24/7 365 |
Website | |
When you need a new room or apartment fast, having the Roomster customer service number on hand connects you with someone who can help. Roomster is a roommate finder that helps you find the perfect place to rent, whether you’re looking at nearby neighborhoods, locations within the United States, or international co-living spaces. As a homeowner, you can also list a room to let renters know you have space available for short- or long-term stays.
If you want help with a reservation or have a complaint to file about a boarder or a person leasing a room, you can contact a company representative with the Roomster customer service number. You can contact Roomster through this number if you want help processing a refund, managing a cancellation, or want to know what to do when changing your move-in date. Unfortunately, this service is only available after entering your phone number on their website for verification and account creation.
Roomster Customer Service Number: Accessible online to those who verify or create an account by going to
Roomster’s headquarters remain where the company started, in the heart of the Big Apple.
Roomster Mailing Address:
285 West Broadway,
New York, New York 10013
Roomster doesn’t list its email address clearly on its website, but you’ll find it in the company’s terms of use. The company doesn’t specify a response time, so if you have an urgent question or problem, it is faster to call them. Roomster does not have a public contact form on its website, and the company requires you to make an account to access its listings and contact information page.
Roomster Email Address:
Learning how to find the perfect spare room and get the most out of sharing space can be a challenging experience, but Roomster gives you a platform that lets you rethink space sharing. If you want to know the laws related to sharing a home or how to avoid a scam when you’re leasing your room, there’s information about it on their site. From renting out an entire apartment to renting out a single room, Roomster has resources to help you move, find storage, and get renters insurance. While the website does not currently have an active link to a support page, you can find more information and tools on its Resources page.
Roomster Customer Support Site:
Heading out on a business trip and want to know where to find Roomster accommodations for you and your boss? Are you concerned about having a pet in your space? Do you want to know what to ask a potential roommate before you move in? Want to know the benefits of sharing a room with the elderly or how to respect the needs of others sharing your space? Follow the Roomster Blog to get the information you need about these and other topics.
Roomster Blog:
If you’re leasing multiple spaces or want a convenient way to connect with potential roommates, the Roomster app will make your life much easier. This tool streamlines their site’s services and connects you effortlessly with those looking to share space. You can use advanced filters to narrow your search, check out rooms in nearby neighborhoods, and learn how to submit an application for the place you want. The app makes the process more convenient so that you can search for your new accommodations from anywhere.
iOS: Android:
Do you want to know when Roomster is updating its website to connect with others seeking a new space or a homeowner renting theirs? Looking to receive posts about featured areas in your feed or tips and tricks on how to choose the right person to share space with? Maybe you’re just looking for a way to connect with fellow Roomsters and see how life is in the space-sharing world. The Roomster social media channels help you connect with the service and others using it to find space to share.
Roomster was established in 2003 as a solution for people who had extra space and were looking for ways to monetize it. New York City was the perfect launching ground for this idea, with its abundant properties, beautiful and culturally rich neighborhoods, and high rent and property prices. Roomster connects home and space owners to those looking to share them. It allows homeowners and people searching for roommates to post listings and makes it easy for renters to find a place to live. However, Roomster also has a questionable reputation in terms of scam listings and false reviews, which can make it challenging for renters to find a space.