Category : | Online Retail |
Address | 9302 Pittsburgh Ave, Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 |
Calling Hours | 08:30 - 04:30 M-F | | |
Website | |
Do you need to contact Sammydress’s customer service number? Maybe you have a return and need the address to return your item. Do you have a question about Sammydress sizing? Or maybe you are just curious about what fashion trends are popular right now? While Sammydress’s site seems to be no longer active, the company that owns it has several sister businesses. You may have some luck contacting these companies to access customer service help.
There is no customer service number listed for Sammy Dres or any of its sister companies that sell a similar style of black dresses and party dresses.
Do you have a Sammydress customer service concern? Try emailing one of their sister companies to see if you can get help.
Sister companies to email include Dresslily at and Lovely Wholesale at
Since the Sammydress dress site no longer has anything for sale, it does not offer a live chat option for its customers. However, many of its sister sites have a live chat.
Modlily Live Chat:
Rosewe Live Chat:
There is not much helpful information available to the Sammydress customer on the customer service website since it does not exist. The only site for Sammydress lists several sister sites the customer can visit.
If you are lucky, maybe Rotita can help you return a Sammy dress or help you with their size guide. Perhaps you can use your gift card at Dresslily to order some white dresses or maxi dresses.
If you want to order an item such as a white dress, maxi dress, mini dress, or floral dress, Sammydress’s sister sites have a great variety.
List of Sammydress’s Sister Sites:
Like other fashion outlets, Sammydress has an extensive presence on social media. However, it seems that they have not been active on any of their social media accounts for several years.
Sammydress Facebook:
Sammydress does have a Facebook page, but it has not been updated since 2017.
Sammydress Twitter:
Sammydress does have a Twitter/X account, but it has not been updated since 2017.
Sammydress Instagram:
Sammydress has an Instagram account but it has not been updated since 2014.
Sammydress LinkedIn:
Sammydress is an international wholesale supplier of clothing, wigs, toys, home products, and gifts. They also offer pet supplies, faucets, mobile phone accessories, hand spinners, shower curtains, and mermaid blankets. Yes, you can get just about anything at Sammy Dress.
They are an online store only and are proud to provide trendy clothing at a great price with fast delivery. Sammydress clothes do not seem to be available on one site. You may find some on its sister sites.